Transgender/GNC Youth

“The worlds definitions are one thing and the life
one actually leads is quite another”

– James Baldwin, The Evidence of Things Not Seen

Childhood and adolescence is a time to figure out who you are. For children, tweens, and teens who have realized their gender identity and bodies don’t align, being authentically themselves becomes of paramount importance. Their distress about the difference between who they feel they are inside and who are appear to be on the outside increases as they get older.

  • As a guardian, you might be struggling with:

    Worrying your child is experiencing harassment or physical harm

    Feeling regret or that your child is too young to “know”

    Fear that your child is not “really” transgender or gender nonconforming, but struggling with a mental illness, experiencing reactions to life events or trauma, being rebellious, wanting attention, or wanting to “fit in”

    Fear of how your family, friends, & community may react

  • At Bloom, our clinicians are able to:

    Help you & your child understand the nature of their gender identity

    Explore & better understand the discomfort you might have if your child is transgender or gender nonconforming

    Assist you in navigating any additional steps your child wants to take (ie. social transitioning, blockers, hormones, surgery) through referrals for psychological assessments, local support groups, & other healthcare providers in our extensive network

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.