Gender & Sexuality Expansive Psychotherapy in the heart of NYC
A practice as unique as you
Notes on Police Brutality, Palestine & Our QTBIPOC Community
The current crisis of police brutality and general violence against Black and brown people is not new – additionally, against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic the experience of systemic racism and oppression at the core of this country is more amplified.
Bloom Psychotherapy calls for a permanent ceasefire in Palestine at bare minimum, and an end to the Israeli occupation. We condemn the genocide and erasure of the Palestinain people, culture and way of life, as well as the destruction of Palestine. We oppose the Israeli Zionist apartheid regime as well as the US for continuing to fund this genocide and others. We oppose oppressive regimes everywhere in the world and believe in the right of the oppressed to resist by any means necessary.
We recognize this is a time of crisis for our Queer and/or Trans Black and Arab/MENA/Palestinian Diaspora community, and thus Queer and/or Trans BIPOC. We strive to make our services as accessible to our community as possible and is aware of the difficulties facing the most marginalized members of our community. In our efforts to continue to create an affirming mental health space, Bloom Psychotherapy NYC, we will be offering ongoing decreased sliding scale services for our Queer and/or Trans BIPOC community. Please be aware that there are limited spots available for these services!
Please head to our FAQs page and scroll down to “How much do sessions cost?” for more details on these services.
*QTBIPOC – Queer and/or Trans Black and Indigenous People of Color

Services During COVID-19
Please note all services (Individual, groups, family, etc.) at
Bloom Psychotherapy NYC are now virtual.
We are currently conducting video (or phone if you prefer) consults for incoming clients who are self-pay or have out-of-network insurance benefits. We are no longer accepting any in-network insurance, but we do have an anti-oppressive rate fee schedule that takes into account . If you are interested in scheduling a consult, click the link below. If there aren’t any times that work for you, click HERE to fill out our form expressing your interest in a session, and someone will reach out as soon as possible to schedule with you.
Our Approach
We are all, in one way or another, impacted by gender & sexuality.
Although it impacts all areas of our lives, we often don’t give enough attention to it.
Opening up in therapy is a vulnerable process. You shouldn’t have to think twice about whether or not you can be comfortable with your therapist around your gender and sexuality.
It’s our goal to create a safe and welcoming environment for you to create the life you want, regardless of what the specific bumps in the road may be.
Anti-Oppression, Anti-Racist, Intersectional
As we live in a society founded on systemic oppression and racism, our therapists keep in mind how oppression and racism can impact you on a day-to-day basis. We recognize that you hold more than one identity at any time & work with you to navigate the complexities of living within intersectional identities– including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, ability, body size, & more.
We also acknowledge how Bloom Psychotherapy NYC works & provides services within inherently racist, classist, & oppressive systems (private insurance & a general capitalist society). We strive to remain as anti-oppressive, anti-racist, & intersectional as possible while working within these systems.
Feel Safe, Supported, & Understood
As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, & as someone who may identify as a person of color, there are daily reminders that it’s not always safe to be yourself. Even though New York City is more open & accepting than most places in the country, it can still be hard.
There are a number of issues that are specific to our community, such as alternative relationship structures, gay parenting, & internalized & externalized homophobia & transphobia, to name a few. At Bloom, our clinicians work from a place of compassion & empathy as you work through whatever brings you to therapy.
Coming Out
While it may be easier today for some people to come out, we still live in a culture where it’s not necessarily easy or safe to come out in the first place. Needing to hide or keep part of yourself secret can create an environment ripe for fear, rejection, or sadness.
Sexuality & Gender
Your sexual & gender identities are only a few among the many things that make you the unique & complex person you are today. The last thing you may want to do in therapy is educate your therapist on any of your identities.
At Bloom, all of our therapists ensure we educate ourselves about the various identities that our clients embody, so you don’t have to teach us about the basics. While issues around gender or sexuality may come up, we also know you may have other things you want to explore & understand about yourself.
Trans & Gender
Non-Conforming Youth
Supporting your child or family member is a transition for everyone. At Bloom, our clinicians are specially trained to work with transgender & gender non-conforming children, tweens, & adolescents. We can also work with the whole family, as transitioning can be an adjustment for everyone.
Family Struggles
While some may be lucky enough to be loved & supported by their family, there are still those who can’t be fully open or transparent with everyone in their world. Having to live two or more separate lives can weigh on you after awhile. How can you continue to develop your sense of self to live authentically, regardless of the consequences?
Meet Our Team
Anupama 'Anu' Kalyanam, LCSW
Founder & Clinical Supervisor
Zena Watson, LCSW
Clinical Supervisor
What People Are Saying
“I was a mess when I decided to go to therapy. Honestly I wasn’t even sure I would stick with it. I hated my job, I spent all of my time taking care of everyone else and I wanted a break from it all. I knew I needed a therapist who understood BDSM, poly relationships and is sex positive, and also understands what it’s like to be a person of color dealing with all of these things. At Bloom, I didn’t have to explain anything to my therapist, she just got it and slowly with her support, I’ve been able to begin to prioritize myself and create healthy boundaries at work and at home.”
“Our daughter’s therapist at Bloom is helping her explore gender in a safe, warm and playful environment. Some days are harder than others but we see the growth in her understanding of herself.”
“Working with my therapist at Bloom, I began to think about how to live authentically, in my relationships, with my family and at work. Therapy doesn’t always feel good, but I’m sleeping better now, more focused at work and slowly figuring out what I really want and how to explore my sexuality at a pace that works for me.”
Get started with Bloom, today.